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Magnificent views of nature and a delicious feast await you.

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Kirifuri Highlands Yama-no-Restaurant

Kirifuri Yama-no-Restaurant
Built in a perfect location surrounded by the natural beauty of Kirifuri, "Yama-no-Restaurant" boasts a view of the falls.
With an outstanding view of the Kirifuri Falls to the north and the Nikko Mountain Range to the west, you can enjoy your meal in an open dining room with terrace seating on all sides within the integrated warmth of wood.
We focus on local produce for local consumption and carefully prepare each delicious Tochigi ingredient, featuring roast beef from Tochigi Wagyu Beef and vegetables directly from farmers.
Enjoy a luxurious time by indulging in this authentic taste.
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Recommended menu
Tochigi Wagyu sirloin roast beef
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